Need local help Planning your next trip To Guatemala?
Get expert advice Planning
We can help you with:
The right scheduling for your trip
Full planning, find local services you will need for your trip.
If needed, we can organize your transportation from the airport to the Hotel and vise versa. Some hotels, charge or have free transportation from/to the airport. (Or any extra transportation needs)
Note: scheduling your transportation is not available in all locations.
Hotel accommodation or air bnb: find the right place for you, the right location, the right amenities, let us help you.
Note: we are not responsible for any of the contract/s you have agree between the provider and you.
Car rental: we help you with the rental agent locally, transportation for your pick up and car drop when needed, planned according to your arrival and departing flights itinerary.
Transportation to the airport for your departing flight in Guatemala.
Flight connections: to wherever you continue your trip, we can advise you the best itinerary. (in and out of Guatemala only). This includes internal flights (Tikal)
Inform you about Current situation in Guatemala during your stay: best time to travel, safety situation, current local News.
Any transportation service or third-party service is not included in this rate.
NOTE: we are not responsible for your car rental contract; When you drop off your car, you are the sole responsible of your rented car. Also, we can locally help for any further claims for an additional cost.
Price US$200
Additional Help Included:
-Call us during your trip for any trouble (or language translation) during your trip in Guatemala between 7am and 9pm.
-Up to 7 calls per week.-A Whatsapp conversation for an issue is one call.
-we only accept one phone number per service.
-Receive news or updates that could affect your trip
-No Historical or any tourist attraction information is provided; see our tour's page for that.